Energy Charter CEO Forum 2024 WEBSITE BANNER

Putting Humans at the Heart of the Energy Transition

Energy Charter Disclosure 2024

The Energy Charter's latest Disclosure sets out how collaboration through our #BetterTogether initiatives has delivered tangible outcomes for customers and communities.
Power outage plan
ACEREZ annoucement Web 2025 (1)
Better protections for life support customers

Together, creating a better energy future for all Australians

We are The Energy Charter. We are a one-of-a-kind, CEO-led coalition of energy organisations united by a shared passion and purpose: delivering for customers and empowering communities in the energy transition.

Our vision is that together, we can create a better energy future for all Australians. We empower one another across the energy ecosystem to deliver better energy outcomes for customers and communities.

For us, the opportunity is to keep humans at the centre of the design and delivery of energy solutions, to navigate the changing needs of customers and communities as we transform to a cleaner energy future.

There is no other collaboration like us and the work we do together has never been more important than it is today. 

We are #BetterTogether.

The Energy Charter #BetterTogether initiatives

Our #BetterTogether initiatives are collaborations between energy businesses and communities to deliver tangible customer and community outcomes and create an energy system that works for everyone.

Find out more about our #BetterTogether priorities:

Concessions Awareness and Engagement

Ongoing energy concessions can reduce electricity and gas bills. Our awareness and engagement campaign targets the 60% of people who are eligible for ongoing concessions and are not taking them up to help with energy and gas bill pressures. 

Knock to Stay Connected Customer Code

Our Knock to Stay Connected Customer Code keeps customers connected by introducing a knock on the door to deliver them information when their energy is at risk of disconnection through not paying their energy bill.

National Landholder + Community Engagement Training

Our National Landholder + Community Engagement Training supports the people on the ground engaging with landholders and communities on renewable energy and transmission developments to build trust. This immersive training is led by community engagement experts with the chance to hear directly from landholders about what good engagement looks like.

Social Licence

Find out how we’re working collaboratively on social licence and better practice community engagement around the energy transition. With the accelerating pace of the energy transition, we’re bringing energy businesses and agricultural representatives together to ensure that we’re creating an energy future that leaves no one behind.  

The Energy Charter events coming up

26 March 2025
Exploring the human side of the shift to renewables

As Australia accelerates its shift to renewable energy, ensuring that communities, customers and landholders are genuinely engaged is more critical than ever. How do we build trust and attain social licence in a way that industry and communities work together to create shared value?

Join us for this Social Licence Community of Practice session, where Louise Pogmore (KPMG) and Dr Kimberley Crofts will unpack the human dimensions of this complex energy transformation.

11 April 2025
Exploring the Federal Government's First Nations Clean Energy Strategy

Join our First Nations Community of Practice to exploring the Federal Government’s First Nations Clean Energy Strategy, a national framework for First Nations peoples to meaningfully participate in and benefit from Australia’s clean energy transition. 

James Riley, Director of First Nations Clean Energy at the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water, will share insights on the Strategy’s development and critical next steps for successful implementation.

7 April 2025
Working together on the Smart Meter roll out

You’re invited to help shape the smart meter roll out. Join us for an insightful webinar on putting humans at the heart of Australia’s smart meter rollout.

As we navigate this critical element of our energy transition, how can we ensure customers and communities are engaged, informed, and supported?

In this collaborative session, we’ll hear from energy businesses across the supply chain about the practical challenges and opportunities in this crucial infrastructure transformation. 

The Energy Charter Accountability

Our Accountability Process adds value to customers, communities and energy businesses by identifying positive outcomes and impacts being undertaken by our Signatories and providing guidance on where there are opportunities for improvement.

The Accountability Process focuses on customer and community consultation rather than on internal processes, ‘box ticking’ compliance or indicators that are measured through mandatory reporting to other organisations.

Publications and resources