What we do + Architecture
At The Energy Charter, we focus on two key pillars:

#BetterTogether National Landholder Engagement Training February 2024
#BetterTogether Initiatives
The #BetterTogether initiatives are collaborative initiatives that focus on delivering tangible customer and community outcomes and impact under Energy Charter Principles. We work with a range of customer and community representatives, as well as Energy Charter Signatories + Collaborators on these initiatives.

Charting a Better Energy Future: CEO Council Forum 2023
Accountability Process
Energy Charter Full Signatories publicly disclose how they are delivering against The Energy Charter Principles through Public Disclosures and CEO engagement with their customer and community councils, highlighted in Feedback Summaries. The Energy Charter publishes an annual #BetterTogether Disclosure launched at the end of year CEO Council Forum.
Our Strategic Roadmap
Our commitments to the Five Principles of The Energy Charter are underpinned through the pillars of our strategic roadmap:
- Culture change: inspire and enable customer centric culture across the energy sector
- Collaboration: #BetterTogether collaboration to achieve better outcomes for customer and communities that go beyond what any of us could achieve alone
- Transparency + accountability: amplify consumer and community outcomes and enable continuous improvement through authentic disclosure and accountability mechanisms
- Credibility: celebrate that we are CEO-led with diverse representation across industry, customer and community groups and a unique ability to take a whole of sector view, to collaborate, innovate and strive for better customer and community outcomes.

Our Architecture
To support The Energy Charter’s unique vision, Energy Charter representatives from across the supply chain collaborate through the following architecture using our agreed Ways of Working:
CEO Council
Consists of all the CEOs across the Australian energy sector that have committed to The Energy Charter. The CEO Council meets to discuss strategic matters aligned with The Energy Charter commitments and customer outcomes and provide guidance to the Industry Working Group.
CEO Executive Council
Made up of CEOs that are representative across the supply chain. The CEO Executive Council meets quarterly to discuss Priority #BetterTogether initiatives and the strategic direction of The Energy Charter.
CEO Executive Council
Made up of CEOs that are representative across the supply chain. The CEO Executive Council meets quarterly to discuss Priority #BetterTogether initiatives and the strategic direction of The Energy Charter.
Industry Working Group
Consists of senior representatives from each Energy Charter Signatory. The Industry Working Group collaborate together on high level Energy Charter related matters and progresses #BetterTogether collaboration. It works collaboratively with the End-User Consultative Group.
Strategic Working Group
Supports governance and resourcing for The Energy Charter.
End-User Consultative Group
Made up of close to 20 end-user representatives to provide a barometer of consumer and community expectations and guide strategic discussions.