Message from the Chair of the CEO Council – Frank Tudor MD at Jemena, Independent Accountability Panel (IAP) Stakeholder Forum Insights, Customer Voice Sabiene Heindl, IAP CEO Interviews, IAP key dates #BetterTogether Collaborating to support energy literacy for culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) customers Read More
#BetterTogether – Rich stakeholder insight through the Independent Accountability Panel process
A big thank you to those who engaged in the 2021 Independent Accountability Panel (IAP) Stakeholder Forums which were held across the country from 7 to 12 October as part of the public consultation process. Held online for customers, representatives and stakeholders in Tasmania, South Australia, Western Australia, New South Wales, Victoria and Queensland, the Forums offered a great opportunity for feedback on the performance of energy businesses and rich insights for Energy Charter signatories.
In welcoming participants to the Forums, Chair of the IAP Clare Petre (former Energy and Water Ombudsman of NSW), noted that it was unfortunate that we were still talking about the impact of COVID and natural disasters on energy customers, and noted that the themes of 2021 were likely to be similar to last year: affordability and energy transition.
Dr Cassandra Goldie, panellist and CEO of the Australian Council of Social Service invited comments on affordability, with a particular focus on those who are in vulnerable circumstances and where more needs to be done. Andrew Richards, panellist and CEO of the Energy Users Association of Australia reinforced that transition and the target of net zero by 2050 had implications for all customers and that it was critical we ensure that no customer is left behind.
More than 50 stakeholders attended the IAP Forums and provided rich feedback and diverse insights. Key issues raised included:
- Ensuring that nobody is left behind in the energy transition.
- Who bears the cost of transition, particularly when assets are across jurisdictions?
- Importance of genuine and authentic engagement with landholders and communities and equitable compensation to build social licence.
- The interplay between vulnerable communities also being impacted the hardest by climate change.
- The need for energy efficiency measures and other supports for customers in vulnerable circumstances, as the impacts of COVID continue to be felt.
- Leveraging COVID supports for customers as business-as-usual.
The importance of the Energy Charter commitments was reinforced, with stakeholders’ noting improvements in engagement with customers and stakeholders, through feedback loops, communications and action, including for culturally and linguistically diverse communities. Energy Charter signatories were encouraged to continue to focus on impact and outcomes for customers.
The next step in the IAP process is stakeholder submissions, which are due by 6 November.
For more details and to watch the IAP Stakeholder Forum recordings visit the IAP website.
#BetterTogether – Collaborating to support energy literacy for culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) customers
As part of the #BetterTogether Energy Literacy for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) communities initiative, Energy Charter signatories Ausgrid, Endeavour Energy and Jemena, together with AGL Australia and Origin Energy have collaborated with Sydney Alliance to co-design and launch the Voices for Power Energy ‘Train-the-Trainer’ Project.
The Voices for Power Energy ‘Train-the-Trainer’ Project is a first-of-its-kind energy literacy program for CALD communities across Greater Sydney. Delivered in language, in culture and in community, the Train-the-Trainer project is equipping leaders from several cultural and religious communities to become ‘Community Energy Trainers’ through co-delivering a series of informative energy education workshops.
Empowered by these learnings, leaders can then support others within their community to take control of their energy concerns, adopt simple energy safety practices and negotiate a better deal on their energy bills with a specific focus on supporting those in more vulnerable circumstances.
“The relational engagement approach Sydney Alliance champion, which builds in dedicated time to get to know each other, listen, question, and share stories is so important. It means this project and its learnings has been designed with respect and consideration for every person involved and those of the people or businesses that they represent. That is something that will help it stand the test of time.” Emily Duck, Corporate Social Responsibility Specialist at Jemena
“Through deep listening, the Voices for Power project has listened to hundreds of stories from communities about their struggles with the energy system. Voices for Power’s vision is that CALD communities become empowered, informed, and confident actors in the energy system. As a result, CALD communities’ interests and concerns are more readily understood and taken into consideration by other actors in the energy system, including energy businesses, energy regulators and government, when creating energy policy.” Thuy Linh Nguyen, Community Organiser at the Sydney Alliance
Following the completion of the project’s ‘co-design’ stage, which involved numerous energy and community partner workshops and the development of a suite of community training materials, the Voices for Power ‘Train-the-Trainer’ Program is now in its ‘pilot delivery’ stage.
Pilot delivery commenced in late July, with online training sessions held over two days, involving 11 community leaders from Vietnamese, Spanish, Hindi, Nepali, Urdu, Tongan, Arabic and Chinese speaking backgrounds. Training sessions incorporated interactive formats such as verbal and visual presentations, small group discussions, quizzes, story sharing, practical exercises (like bill labelling) and role-plays (including with retailer contact centre staff).
Each training session sought to test the training approach and content, in addition to generating learning outcomes through pre-workshop and post-workshop surveys, observations from the training room and small group debriefing discussions. Community leaders also gave feedback on any improvements to make training more engaging and relevant for their communities. Training topics included:
- Introduction to the energy system
- Saving Energy – Reading Your Bill and Getting the Best Deal
- Saving Energy – Energy Saving Tips and Payment Support
- Energy Safety
Some of the pilot outcomes included:
- All participants reported increased confidence taking actions related to their energy bills and energy consumption. Several advised they renegotiated their own deals following the sessions
- All participants reported now understanding how energy is distributed and supplied to their homes, and all but one could clearly identify the role of retailers versus distributors.
- All participants reported increased confidence in knowing what to do and who to contact in the event of an energy safety issue
Broader training feedback also found that online delivery was not ideal but still effective, interactive workshops are the most engaging format and simple messages, reiterated often, were grasped easier to help participants to form relational connections.
“At the recent milestone event we heard stories from Community Energy Champions about how the Voices for Power Energy Training Program has impacted them and their communities already. Highlighting the value even from early project stages. We also heard from project partners about the importance of co-design and cross-sector collaboration to achieving real and transformative impact.” – Selina O’Connor, Government and Stakeholder Relations Manager, Ausgrid
Following some minor refinements, further training sessions were rolled out across the Voices for Power network in the Nepalese and Chinese communities throughout September.
Moving forward, the vision for the second half of the project is to train at least 140 community members from diverse backgrounds. To learn more and get involved contact Sydney Alliance!
The Energy Charter October News Update
Message from the Chair of the CEO Council – Frank Tudor MD at Jemena, Landowner and Community Enagegement Guide, Customer Voice Jo De Silva at EWOSA, 2021 Independent Accountability Process, #BetterTogether – $1.5 million to support vulnerable customers impacted by COVID Read More
Energy Consumers invited to have their say
Australian energy users are being invited to have their say on energy businesses including retailers, distribution and transmission companies and generators. This week sees a period of public consultation commence in which electricity and gas customers are specifically invited to comment on the disclosures of electricity and gas companies that are signatories to the Energy Charter. Register here to attend.
The energy businesses’ disclosures benchmark the improvements Energy Charter companies undertake to be more customer focused over a 12-month period. They also measure the progress signatories have made against the recommendations handed down by the Independent Accountability Panel last year.
Chair of the Energy Charter CEO Council, Frank Tudor said that despite the ongoing impact of COVID on customers and communities, signatories to the Energy Charter had made a concerted effort to collaborate across the supply chain and put customers first.
“2021 has continued to be an extremely challenging year for our customers, communities and signatories with the ongoing impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, with these challenges also come unique opportunities to better support Australians, to step beyond business-as-usual and demonstrate as a sector we are working together on the vision of the Energy Charter to ‘deliver energy for a better Australia’.
“Last month, Energy Charter signatories committed more than $1 million over the next 12 months to deliver and augment a range of programs across Australia, including with community organisations, to step up support for customers in vulnerable circumstances.
Thousands of Australians most impacted by COVID-19 will receive vital help to better manage their energy bills and access support programs.
We encourage customers and stakeholders to have their say about whether the energy sector has met their expectations, and where we can do better” Mr Tudor said.
Over the past 12 months, through the Energy Charter:
- Customers in vulnerable circumstances impacted by COVID-19 were supported individually and collectively by Energy Charter signatories, informed and guided by an evidence based drawn from the 12-month COVID-19 Customer Vulnerability Research by Deloitte
- Commercial and industrial customers, including small businesses, benefited from increased transparency, accountability and fit-for-purpose products and services through the National Customer Code for Energy Brokers, Consultants and Retailers with more than 40 signatories
- Directors and Boards have better practice options to ensure the customer voice is appropriately influencing their strategic decision-making and the direction of energy businesses through the Customer Voice @ Board Level Resource
- Signatories have collaborated on more than 15 #BetterTogether initiatives that saw groups of businesses working together to deliver outcomes for customers such as improving electricity and gas connections, getting concessions to the right people and improving energy literacy for culturally and linguistically diverse communities.
The Energy Charter signatories’ disclosure reports have been submitted to the Independent Accountability Panel for review which is chaired by Clare Petre with panellists Cassandra Goldie, CEO Australian Council of Social Service and Andrew Richards, CEO Energy Users Association of Australia.
The Independent Accountability Panel’s period of public consultation will include online stakeholder forums and CEO interviews to be held throughout October, before making their recommendations public in early December 2021. Written submissions about the signatories’ disclosures are invited by the Independent Accountability Panel until 30 October 2021.
Natonal Customer Code October News Update
Customer Code Council Update, Code Champion Patricia Paech, Australian Systems Integration, What’s On, Customer Code Library – Checklist for large energy users Read More
Energy Charter signatories share customer outcomes
Energy Charter Full Signatories have today submitted their annual disclosures to the Independent Accountability Panel (IAP) after consultation with their customer councils, CEOs, Boards and internal leaders. The IAP process is aimed at driving transparency and accountability to energy consumers of their progress towards commitments made under the five customer-centric principles of the Energy Charter
Energy businesses worked closely with their customer councils to ensure that their disclosures were reflective of the outcomes that they had delivered to customers during 2020-21. In addition, feedback was obtained in relation to self-maturity assessments under the Energy Charter’s Maturity Model.
The signatory 2020-21 disclosures share with energy consumers and stakeholders:
- An overview of their customers and the communities in which they operate
- Customer outcomes they have delivered under the five principles of the Energy Charter:
- Customer at the centre
- Affordability
- Safety, sustainability and reliability
- Customer experience
- Supporting customers in vulnerable circumstances
- Self-assessed maturity levels and metrics and measures to substantiate
- Commitments to customers for the next 12 months and beyond
In addition, the Energy Charter 2020-21 disclosure asks “what have we done that has made an actual difference for the customer this year?”. With ongoing momentum, this includes:
- Customers in vulnerable circumstances impacted by COVID-19 were supported individually and collectively by Energy Charter signatories, informed and guided by an evidence based drawn from the 12-month COVID-19 Customer Vulnerability Research by Deloitte
- Commercial and industrial customers, including small businesses, benefitted from increased transparency, accountability and fit-for-purpose products and services through the National Customer Code for Energy Brokers, Consultants and Retailers with more than 40 signatories
- Directors and Boards have better practice options to ensure the customer voice is appropriately influencing their strategic decision-making and the direction of energy businesses through the Customer Voice @ Board Level Resource (responding to IAP Report 2019)
- Collaboration with the water sector in a first-ever WE (water + energy) Collaborate Memorandum of Understanding to drive tangible customer outcomes and insights sharing between the sectors. The Energy Charter has hosted over 300+ participants learning from 12 speakers on topics ranging from consumer engagement, innovative approaches to customer co-design and indigenous engagement.
Over the coming month, Energy Charter signatories look forward to the opportunity to attend Stakeholder Forums and CEO meetings hosted by the IAP, and reflect on the 2021 IAP Report (December) in order to get valuable feedback on whether they are meeting customer expectations, and where there is room for continuous improvement.
Signatory disclosures will be available for download via the IAP website from Friday 1 October.
$1.5 million to support vulnerable customers impacted by COVID
Thousands of Australians most impacted by COVID-19 will receive vital help to better manage their energy bills and access support programs. Energy Charter signatories today committed more than $1.5 million over the next 12 months to deliver and augment a range of programs across Australia, including with community organisations, to step up support for customers in vulnerable circumstances.
Energy Charter CEO Council Chair Frank Tudor (MD Jemena) said the funding commitment included additional support programs for vulnerable customers.
“The ongoing impacts of COVID are seeing the most vulnerable members of our community hit hardest,” Mr Tudor said.
“As signatories to the Energy Charter we recognise the need to provide further assistance above and beyond our existing support programs to ensure more disadvantaged Australians can keep the lights on.”
“Our 12 month COVID-19 Customer Vulnerability research conducted by Deloitte, shows that renters, JobSeekers, young people and those from culturally and linguistically diverse communities (CALD) are feeling the greatest impacts of COVID.
“The research shows that 27 per cent of respondents who need energy bill support aren’t confident to obtain it, with 12 per cent saying they didn’t receive support because they didn’t know how to access it.
“Increased funding will assist individuals, families and small businesses to better access concessions and government rebates and help manage their ongoing energy usage.
“Support will be delivered directly by Energy Charter signatories or in partnership with community groups across Australia to get the help to where it’s needed most in the quickest way. Other programs will support customers and communities with access to other essential support.”
Support measures include:
- A new Uniting Energy Support Program focused on delivering tailored, one-on-one advice and assistance to energy customers across New South Wales, Queensland and Victoria.
- Care Inc. Energy Support Voucher Program in the Australian Capital Territory.
- Implementation of dedicated customer relationship officers and provision of pre-payment opt-in products in regional Western Australia.
- Dedicated hardship support for business owners in Tasmania.
- Online energy literacy and easy to digest information on how to reduce and understand electricity bills for energy users in Queensland.
- Essential care packages to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.
- A range of community partnership programs including with Food Bank, Food Share and other local charities.
Mr Tudor said the support measures build on previous programs and initiatives delivered in response to the COVID-19 Pandemic, including the Energy Network Relief Package, Covid19 Support Fund in Tasmania, and the Voices for Power energy literacy “Train the Trainer” program in Western Sydney.
“Energy Charter signatories have a long history of supporting vulnerable customers – particularly in partnership with community organisations – and it is fantastic to see these programs continuing to mature throughout the remainder of 2021 and into 2022.”
Energy Charter signatories providing new levels of support to customers facing vulnerability include: ActewAGL, Aurora Energy, Australian Gas Infrastructure Group (AGIG), APA Group, CS Energy, EnergyAustralia, Energy Queensland including Energex, Ergon Energy Network, Ergon Retail and Yurika, Endeavour Energy, Essential Energy, Horizon Power, Jemena, Powerlink Queensland, Powershop/Meridian Energy and TransGrid. The support will cover electricity and gas customers in New South Wales (including Western Sydney), Victoria, Tasmania and Queensland.
Ongoing support programs are being delivered by Ausgrid and Stanwell.
Uniting Energy Support Program
The Uniting Energy Support Program is focused on delivering tailored, one-on-one advice and assistance to energy customers across New South Wales, Queensland and Victoria by community organisation Uniting. Over $200,000 is being injected into the program by APA Group, CS Energy, EnergyAustralia, Energy Queensland, Endeavour Energy, Essential Energy, Jemena, Powerlink Queensland and Powershop/Meridian Energy.
“The collaboration across Energy Charter businesses to support community organisations like Uniting is a step change for customers facing vulnerability. Not only does it create a sustainable approach for ongoing support programs, it also aligns the energy supply chain in a way that we have not seen before. Uniting is proud to be working with Energy Charter businesses in supporting those in the community who need it the most.” – Matt Cairns, Senior Manager, Uniting Vic. Tas.
COVID-19 Customer Vulnerability research
Four quarterly waves of research into COVID-19 customer vulnerability were conducted by Deloitte from September 2020-2021. The most recent wave (September 2021) found that:
- Two thirds of respondents have growing concerns about impacts COVID and there are increasing stress and depression levels
- Employment conditions have worsened: with one third of respondents have experienced a decrease in household income. Discretionary spending has dropped significantly.
- 27 per cent of respondents who need energy bill support aren’t confident to obtain it. 12 per cent of those respondents said that they didn’t receive support because they didn’t know how to access it.
The Energy Charter
A national CEO-lead collaboration that supports the energy sector towards a customer-centric future. Our core values of “Be invested, make a difference”, “Be open, learn and improve”, and “Think big, be bold” are brought to life through #BetterTogether initiatives focused on delivering better customer outcomes for all Australians.
Full Signatories: ActewAGL, APA Group, Aurora Energy, Ausgrid, Australian Gas Infrastructure Group (AGIG), CS Energy, Endeavour Energy, Energy Queensland Limited including Energex, Ergon Energy Network, Ergon Retail and Yurika, EnergyAustralia, Essential Energy, Horizon Power, Jemena & Ovida, Meridian Energy Australia & Powershop Australia, Powerlink Queensland, Stanwell and TransGrid.
#BetterTogether Collaborator: Simply Energy.
Energy Charter Supporter: Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO).
For media enquiries, please contact:
Sabiene Heindl
Executive Director
The Energy Charter
M: 0412 039 747
#BetterTogether – Launch of Better Practice Landholder & Community Engagement Guide
The Energy Charter, together with National Farmers Federation, has today launched a Better Practice Landholder & Community Engagement Guide under Principle 3 of the Energy Charter.
Landholder and community engagement is an important aspect of providing essential energy services to Australian communities. As we move increasingly towards a new energy future, there are growing opportunities for proactive engagement between energy businesses, landholders and communities regarding energy asset development projects and the maintenance of existing energy assets. For transmission businesses, there is already an increase of asset development in line with the growth in renewable energy.
The Landholder & Community Engagement Better Practice Guide was co-designed by the National Farmers Federation, Queensland Farmers Federation, NSW Farmers Federation, Victorian Farmers Federation, AgForce Queensland, Cotton Australia and Energy Charter signatories APA Group, Powerlink Queensland, TransGrid with support from Essential Energy and Jemena.
It was launched at an event with the National Energy Infrastructure Commissioner, Andrew Dyer and NSW Farmers Federation Policy Director, Kathy Rankin.
“Collaboration through the Energy Charter has enabled the NFF the opportunity to directly engage with the energy industry as whole, work effectively to overcoming challenges and create shared outcomes” – Ash Salardini, Chief Economist National Farmers Federation
The Better Practice Guide sets out what landholders and communities can expect when engaging about new or existing energy assets and aims to:
- Share the high-level principles that help guide engagement with landholders and communities
- Assist in the management of impacts
- Guide any mutual value opportunities which may exist
Its primary purpose is to encourage better engagement and outcomes for landholders and communities and applies to a range of different projects and assets including new or existing electricity transmission lines or substations and new or existing gas pipeline assets i.e. transmission lines and gas pipelines.
Gerard Reilly, General Manager Communications, Customer & Engagement, Powerlink Queensland said the Better Practice Guide will be a vital resource for communities and the energy industry.
“The transformation of the power system will see the need to build new transmission infrastructure, particularly to facilitate new renewable energy connections,” Gerard said.
“Our challenge as an industry is to engage early with communities that are impacted by this infrastructure, better understand their concerns and needs and then work with them to minimise impacts and maximise benefits.
“This is a unique resource as it was developed in a collaborative manner with a range of stakeholders including the National Farmers Federation, Queensland, NSW and Victorian Farmers Federation – and key energy industry representatives.”
Underpinning the Better Practice Guide are high-level principles to guide engagement activities and help to create a benchmark for a consistent approach to build better relationships, respect, trust and confidence.
#BetterTogether – COVID-19 Customer Vulnerability Insights – Wave 4, Q3, 2021
Energy Charter signatories Jemena, ActewAGL, Energy Queensland and Powershop, together with #BetterTogether Collaborator Simply Energy, have collaborated with Deloitte to research the impacts of COVID-19 on our customers and communities.
Research was conducted to understand the degree of customer vulnerability, as well as customers’ consumption and sentiment towards energy in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, for the final Wave 4 via survey between July 19th to Aug 2nd 2021 which found:
- 31% of people are optimistic about Australia’s economic direction
- 52% of people agreed that COVID-19 had increased their stress levels
- 67% of respondents stated they are highly concerned about the lasting impacts of COVID-19
- 36% of respondents intend to reduce spending on non-essential items in the next 3 months
Key themes from the COVID-19 Customer Vulnerability Research include:
- Recovery trajectory has been curbed by the widespread lockdowns that have occupied many of the eastern states of Australia
- COVID-19 related stress has worsened as the pandemic escalates around the country, particularly amongst older respondents and women
- Hardship groups that have relied on now non-existent income supplements have incurred the largest degree of financial hardship
- Reduction in spending is the most common alleviating measure that respondents are utilising. Adversely impacted groups are more likely to reduce household spending
The snapshot placemat and full report are now available on COVID-19 Consumer Research