The #BetterTogether initiatives are collaborative initiatives that focus on delivering tangible customer and community outcomes.
Using the #BetterTogether Innovation Framework of ‘ideate, incubate and accelerate’ they encourage energy businesses, customer and community representatives and other stakeholders to co-design and collaborate with a focus on delivering better customer and community outcomes.

Three types of #BetterTogether initiatives
There are three categories our initiatives can be a part of, including:
- PRIORITY #BetterTogether initiatives: Endorsed by the Energy Charter CEO Council to deliver strategic priorities for our customers and communities
- #BetterTogether initiatives: Leverage high impact areas for meaningful change with across industry collaboration
- Community of Practice: Opportunity for knowledge sharing and continuous improvement, including through learning with other sectors.
The Energy Charter Principles
The Energy Charter sets out Principles to advance the industry vision. Supporting each principle is commentary which explains its context and relevance to the overall vision. The Principles are:
The Principles do not exist in isolation of each other. At the heart of the principles is Principle One, which relates to the culture of energy businesses and the need to focus on good customer outcomes. This principle underpins the mindset and behaviours required for delivery against the remaining four principles. Each #BetterTogether initiative falls under at least one, and sometimes more, of the Principles.
Principle 1: We will put customers and community at the centre of our business and the energy system
Current initiatives:
- Community of Practice – First Nations Better Practice Community Engagement
- Community of Practice – Know Your Customers + Communities (sessions wrapped up Dec 2023)
- Customer Voice @ Board (delivered Jun 2021)
- Future Energy Skills (delivered Jul 2021)

Principle 2: We will improve energy affordability and value for customers and communities
Current initiatives:
- #BetterTogether – National Customer Code for Energy Brokers, Consultants and Retailers
- #BetterTogether – National Customer Code for Energy Comparators, Connections Services and Retailers
- #BetterTogether – Customer-led Tariffs
- DEIP Access and Pricing Package (delivered Aug 2021)
- Gas Pipeline Information Disclosure (delivered 2020)

Principle 3: We will provide energy safely, sustainably and reliably
Current initiatives:
- PRIORITY #BetterTogether – Better Practice Social Licence Guideline
- #BetterTogether – Ag + Energy Social Licence Roundtable
- #BetterTogether – Renewables + Biodiversity QLD

Principle 4: We will improve the customer and community experience
Current initiatives:
- PRIORITY #BetterTogether – Evaluating Transmission Undergrounding
- PRIORITY #BetterTogether – Knock To Stay Connected Customer Code
- #BetterTogether – National Landholder Engagement Training
- #BetterTogether – Wimmera Southern Mallee Collaboration
- #BetterTogether – Qld Renewable Energy Code
- #BetterTogether – Community Energy Resilience
- 24/7 Connections (delivered Sep 2021)
- Victorian Gas New Connections (delivered Sep 2021)
- Communal Content Hub

Principle 5: We will support customers and communities facing vulnerable circumstances
Current initiatives:
- PRIORITY #BetterTogether – Energy Literacy, Train-the-Trainer
- #BetterTogether – Uniting Energy Support Program
- #BetterTogether – Better Protections for Life Support Customers
- PRIORITY #BetterTogether – “Keep the money. It’s yours” National Concessions Awareness + Engagement Campaign (delivered mid 2024)
- Bushfire Response (delivered Feb 2020)
- COVID-19 Communications (Delivered Dec 2020)
- COVID-19 Customer Vulnerability Research (delivered Sep 2021)