National Customer Code for Energy Comparators & Energy Moving Services
The aim of the National Customer Code for Energy Comparators and Energy Moving Services is to give customers using these channels confidence that as Signatories, we are working together in their best interests and delivering value to them. Energy retailers and suppliers are also working in customers’ interests as Supporters of the Customer Code.
The intention of the Customer Code is to address some of the concerns about third party intermediaries’ selling practices raised in the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) Retail Electricity Pricing Inquiry Report 2018.
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How does it work?
The Customer Code is voluntary, and all energy comparators and moving services are welcome to sign up. We also look forward to energy suppliers becoming Supporters to the Customer Code.
Signatories are committing to:

1. Customer centricity
We will put you at the centre of our business and make recommendations to drive positive and effective energy solutions for you that empower you in your choices.

2. Transparency and disclosure about our business, practices and offers
We will provide you with true and accurate information about our business, our services and products, those brands we represent for a Comparison Service or Energy Moving Service and any Assumptions that we use to help you make informed choices.

3. Fairness and consistency
We will ensure that you are treated fairly and provided with information you need to choose an energy plan in a clear and consistent manner.

4. Accountability
We will be responsive to your needs and take prompt, appropriate action if you make an enquiry or complaint to ensure our continuous improvement.
Anne Whitehouse is the current Independent Administrator of the Customer Code and runs the day-to-day activities. The Customer Code is overseen by the Customer Code Council made up of representatives of energy comparators, moving services, retailers and customer representatives.

What are the customer benefits?
If you’re a residential or small business customer using comparison or moving services, then the Customer Code provides you with more confidence and peace of mind that signatory businesses are:
- Putting you at the centre of what they do
- Acting in your best interests with honesty and integrity
- Committing to being knowledgeable, transparent and professional
- Providing you with fit-for-purpose advice based on accurate and complete information
- Meeting industry best practice standards
- Understanding the energy market and with the requisite knowledge to help you
- Growing trust and reputation across the industry
- Collaborating across the energy industry to work better together
Who should sign up?
Signing up to the Customer Code is voluntary. The more signatories, the better for customers and growing trust and reputation in the industry. If you’re an energy comparator, moving service or energy supplier, the benefits of the Customer Code may include:
- Differentiating yourself by publicly committing to “doing the right thing “by your customers
- Demonstrating practically that you are working in the best interests of your customers
- Increasing your accountability to customers and partners
- Ensuring best practice within your business
- Improving your reputation and standing
- Lifting the standards of the industry to meet customer and community expectations
- Being part of a cohort who are aligned in their values and having a voice to call out actions which go against the principles of the Code
- Networking with other signatories, partners and supporters
- Opening an opportunity to shape the future of the market
Want to get involved?
To join as a Signatory (energy comparator or energy moving service) or Supporter of the National Customer Code for Energy Comparators and Energy Moving Services, please download the application form below.
To sign up, get in touch with the Independent Code Administrator, Anne Whitehouse.

Signatories + Supporters

Customer Code Council
The Customer Code is governed by the Customer Code Council (CCC) and administered by Anne Whitehouse, CEO of Sales Assured Limited. The inaugural CCC is made up of:
- John Smith, National Customer Code Council (Independent Chair)
- Anne Whitehouse, Sales Assured Limited (Administrator/Participant)
- Sabiene Heindl – Energy Charter (Observer)
- Andrew Foskett – Simply Energy
- Chris Mason – EnergyAustralia
- Luke Margocsy – AGL Australia
- Doug Wilson – Pacific Blue
- Paul Hoefer – Connectnow
- Penni Nicholls – Compare & Connect
- Gavin Dufty – St Vincent de Paul
- Jeremy Elliott, Zembl
- Anthony Cooper (customer representative)
Complaints Management
Each Signatory to the Customer Code has its own Complaints Management Process. Where you are unable to resolve a complaint with an energy comparator or energy moving service that is a Signatory, you can refer the matter via email to the Independent Administrator, Anne Whitehouse.
If the Code Administrator is unable to resolve your complaint, the matter can be referred by the Administrator to the Independent Decision Maker. The Independent Decision Maker will review and try to resolve your complaint.
The Independent Administrator and/or the Independent Decision Maker may choose to refer your complaint to the appropriate jurisdictional body. See below for contact details.
ACT – Access Canberra – Feedback and Complaints ,Ph: 13 22 81
NSW – Dept. of Customer Service – Ph: 13 77 88 Email: contact@customerservice.nsw.gov.au
VIC – Dept. of Justice and Community Safety – General Complaints, Ph: 03 8684 0000
QLD – Department of Justice and Attorney General – Ph: 13 74 68 Email: mailbox@justice.qld.gov.au
SA – Fair Trading SA – Ph: 13 18 82 Email: Attorney-GeneralsDepartment@agd.sa.gov.au
TAS – Department of Justice – Ph: 1300 135 513 Email: cbosinfo@justice.tas.gov.au
Australian Small Business & Family Enterprise Ombudsman – Disputes Assistance, Ph: (02) 6121 3300
The jurisdictional body is the Energy and Water Ombudsman in your state:
ACT – ACAT – Ph: (02) 6207 1740 Email: tribunal@act.gov.au
NSW – EWON – Making a complaint, Ph: 1800 246 545
VIC – EWOV – Ph: 1800 500 509 Email: ewovinfo@ewov.com.au
QLD – EWOQ – Submit a complaint, Ph: 1800 662837
SA – EWOSA – Submit a complaint, Ph: 1800 665 565
TAS – EOT – Complaint Form , Ph: 1800 001 170