Customer + Community Collaborators
Thanks to our 130+ Customer and Community Outcome Group members for their ongoing collaboration for better outcomes!
Independent Chairs and Administrator
- Cath Smith, End-User Consultative Group
- Joy Thomas, Ag Energy Social Licence Roundtable
- John Smith, National Customer Code Energy Brokers, Consultants & Retailers and National Customer Code Energy Comparators and Moving Services
- Anthony Cooper, Knock to Stay Connected Customer Code
- Anne Whitehouse, Customer Code Administrator

Cath Smith, Independent Chair, End-User Consultative Group
End-User Consultative Group
At a strategic level, the End-User Consultative Group which is made up of close to 20 end-user representatives nationally, works collaboratively with Energy Charter Signatories to provide a barometer of consumer and community expectations and guide strategic discussions.
The end-user representatives consist of customer advocates, small business and large commercial and industrial customers.
Our End-User Consultative Group
- Australian Capital Territory Council of Social Service
- Australian Council of Social Service
- Australian Industry Group
- Bundaberg Ag Food and Fibre Alliance
- Business New South Wales
- Council of the Ageing
- Energesis
- Energetic Communities Association
- Energy Consumers Australia
- Energy Policy Western Australia
- Energy Users Association of Australia
- Justice and Equity Centre
- Queensland Council of Social Services
- South Australian Council of Social Service
- St Vincent de Paul
- Tasmanian Council of Social Service
- Tasmanian Small Business Council
- Uniting Care
Customer + Community Outcome Groups
At the heart of the Energy Charter is collaborating and engaging with customer and community representatives to ensure customer and community are at the centre of the energy system. Each #BetterTogether initiative has a Customer or Community Outcomes Group (COG) which is instrumental in guiding each initiative.

#BetterTogether Biodiversity and Renewables Customer + Community Workshop
A massive thank you to everyone who has collaborated on #BetterTogether initiatives: