Our Signatories + Collaborators + Partners

Energy Charter Full Signatories make a commitment to the five Principles of the Energy Charter to guide customer-centric culture change.

Our strengths are our CEO-led guidance and our diverse representation across industry, customer and community groups. But what gives us power, is our ability to take a whole-of-sector view; to collaborate, innovate and strive for better. To share knowledge and connections from all sides and, importantly, to proactively co-design customer-led solutions.

Transitioning to a low-emissions future needs collaboration. Our role is to encourage the difficult conversations and to amplify the customer’s needs. To bridge the gap between ‘hard-to-do’ and ‘can-do’; to go beyond what any one of us could achieve alone.

AER Towards Energy Equity Strategy 2022

“Our 3-year strategy aims to build on the positive work already underway across the sector. These initiatives include:

  • Red Energy and Lumo Energy’s advocacy for protections for consumers affected by family violence
  • The ‘One Stop One Story Hub’ initiative developed by Thriving Communities’ Partnership in collaboration with consumer-facing energy businesses
  • The Energy Charter, a national CEO-led collaboration that supports the energy sector towards a customer-centric future”

“A culture gap has begun to open up between Energy Charter Signatories and other energy companies. This could be viewed as a sign that the Energy Charter is succeeding.” Independent Accountability Panel Report 2020

“Recommendation 3: The Commission supports the approach from energy businesses to improve customer outcomes through the Energy Charter and encourages more widespread adoption of the Energy Charter.” AEMC Retail Energy Competition Review 2019

Energy Charter Full Signatories

#BetterTogether Collaborators

Energy Charter Supporters


Shared Value Project

In March 2024, the Energy Charter became a member of the Shared Value Project – the peak body encouraging and enabling the adoption of shared value in Australia.



In February 2023, the Energy Charter signed a Collaboration Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with RE-Alliance – an independent, not-for-profit advocacy organisation working to secure an energy transformation that delivers long-term benefits and prosperity to regional Australia.

WSAA_Logo (New)

Water Services Association of Australia

In May 2021, the Energy Charter and Water Services Association of Australia (WSAA) entered a landmark WE Collaborate MoU. The MoU aims to deliver better outcomes to our customers through collaboration and organisational efficiencies and increasing trust. Collaborations include the “Know Your Customers + Communities” #BetterTogether collaboration.

Thriving Communities Australia

Thriving Communities Australia

In October 2021, Thriving Communities Australia (TCA) and the Energy Charter Collaboration Partnership which aims to deliver better customer outcomes, including through increased awareness of customer vulnerability and by showcasing outcomes for customer in vulnerable circumstances. 

The TCA is a not-for-profit organisation that enables collaboration across multiple sectors. TCA’s goal is to see everybody have fair access to the modern essential services they need to thrive in contemporary Australia. 


The Ethics Alliance

From 2019, the Energy Charter has been a member of The Ethics Alliance – a community of organisations with a commitment to lead, inspire and shape a better way of working and a better future.

Join the Energy Charter

Is your organisation interested in collaborating to deliver better customer outcomes? Learn more below or to receive the Energy Charter Signatory Benefits pack, get in touch.

Energy Charter Signatory Levels

Energy businesses that:

  • Participate in the governance architecture of the Energy Charter including CEO Council and Industry Working Groups
  • Shape the priorities for the #BetterTogether initiatives to leverage high impact areas for meaningful change using the architecture of the Energy Charter to deliver better outcomes for customers
  • Publicly disclose, on an annual basis, how they are delivering against the Energy Charter principles and principles in action, through public disclosures and meetings with the Independent Accountability Panel (IAP). Full Signatories assess their maturity against the Energy Charter Maturity Model, indicating where on the maturity scale they are, where they intend to progress to, over what period and how they plan to achieve this. They receive guidance through the annual IAP Report individually and collectively.

Energy businesses that collaborate in the #BetterTogether initiatives to leverage high impact areas for meaningful change using the architecture of the Energy Charter to deliver better outcomes for customers and communities.

Organisations such as regulatory bodies, government agencies or industry organisations that collaborate in the #BetterTogether initiatives to leverage high impact areas for meaningful change using the architecture of the Energy Charter to deliver better outcomes for consumers and communities.

Customer & Community Benefits

  • Centralised engagement with consumers, communities and stakeholders
  • Drive genuine customer voice in decision making
  • Shared understanding of customers and communities
  • Transparency and accountability to your customer commitments
  • Acknowledgement of the need to support customers facing vulnerable circumstances
  • Innovative #BetterTogether framework to build capacity for collaboration across the energy sector to solve customer challenges and deliver better outcomes for customers and communities
  • Collaborative customer research
  • Yearly disclosure on delivered customer and community outcomes within individual businesses and across the supply chain through Energy Charter collaborations

Business Benefits

  • Building trusted relationships across the supply chain and with key stakeholders
  • Sharing and learning better practices between signatories and with other sectors
  • One-stop shop to co-design and collaborate with signatories across the supply chain to solve customer and business challenges within an innovation framework
  • Joining a community of “change makers”
  • Benchmarking your business practices against other businesses
  • Capacity building internally for customer-centric culture change
  • Encouraging growing business maturity through a self-assessed Maturity Model
  • Platform for CEO leadership and talent development for your workforce
  • Promotion of your customer-led activities and outcomes for customers and communities
  • Enhanced reputation and brand recognition with stakeholders
  • Industry-led solutions that reduce the need for regulatory interventions